An institute unparallelled in the world of chess
Hundreds of thousands of people in the Netherlands play chess or are interested in one of its numerous aspects. Some 20,000 have been organized: they belong to a chess club. Quite a few people have found the way to the Max Euwe-Centrum, but many have no idea at all of its facilities and possibilities.

Perhaps you would like to know more about the technical aspects of chess, or delve into chess literature yourself, or attend a chess course. Or maybe you are interested in the long history of chess, in the games of the old international masters, in problem- and computer chess, correspondence chess, endgames, chess and artificial intelligence, chess and psychology, chess and art history, chess and philately, to mention a few aspects.
Of course one can explore the field oneself, un-doubtedly a fascinating voyage of discovery. However, it is much easier to pay a visit to the Max Euwe-Centrum sometime. You will be surprised at what our centre has to offer. It is unparalleled in the world.
Our expert staff members are quite willing to show you around and will gladly answer your questions.
In preparation to your future, or renewed, visit to the Max Euwe-Centrum we will take you on a guided tour through ‘our home’ so as to make you rapidly feel at home (again) in familiar surroundings. During this (guided) tour we will tell you about our main activities.
The Max Euwe-Centrum is found at the Max Euweplein 30-a in Amsterdam, between the Leidseplein and the Vondelpark. From the Vondelpark side it is reached via the Donnerbrug.